Cheer music and dance is what would best describe the afternoon that was Sunday 16th March 2014. Spice Roots Simba Union was the center point of the Pearl Koroga Premier League semi-finals. The event which kicked off at about 1:30 pm was characterized with lots of hope, expectations and a flurry of activity.
The best 6 teams from the previous rounds, led by East FM presenters, each had 2 hours to the best of their culinary mastery in a bid to see who would make it to the finals. With a variety of ingredients to work around, the teams set out to prepare a menu of both veg and non-veg dishes.
The most interesting diversions of the day saw Chetan Shah, Marketing Director at Capwell Industries Ltd and the East FM presenters cut a spicy cake to celebrate the event. In addition, a chilli eating challenge that sought to see who would eat the most chillies also captivated the interest of many.
Bearing in mind taste, plating and styling, overall food presentation was a matter of priority when it came to aesthetic appeal. Having been subjected to a judging, the semi-finals were a surprise for many when the judges revealed that 4 of the 6 teams had qualified for the finals. In addition, the finals will also see the participation of 5 sponsor teams, 5 presenter teams and an all-male presenter team from East FM.
Congratulations to the winning teams:
The Pearl Koroga Premier League finals are set to take place at Mystique Gardens next weekend, the 23rd of March, 2014. Who will carry the day to emerge Pearl Koroga Premier League champions? Only time will tell!